Kids-Zone Terms & Conditions is compliant with Swiss Civil Law. is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for the content or the information contained in the website, either posted by beneficiaries or posted in other websites linked to our site. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed by the linked websites. endeavours to provide available resources to parents. has exercised reasonable care to ensure that the information in the site is correct and accurate based on the information received. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the activities, the information or related graphics contained on the website. is not liable for any damage direct, indirect or consequential resulting from the use of the services or information associated with the website, nor does The HUB Geneva accept any responsibility and/or liability, directly, indirectly, or consequentially, for failures or omissions with regard to the information accessible in the site.

Usage of Images, Photos and Written Submissions

All photos, images, videos, audio recordings or interviews or written submissions taken at or in connection with events, seminars, or any other programs may be used as publicity on our website, brochures, newsletters, or any other recordings and written materials with consent given by those beneficiaries involved. These are property of and cannot be used by beneficiaries without previous written consent of Any liability for economic, physical or intellectual damage arising from the use of the website is expressly excluded.

Data Protection takes the protection of personal data seriously and will comply with Swiss civil law on data protection. Readers can subscribe to updates and consent for their information to be used by when they register on the web-based platform. Subscribers give their consent to be contacted by and in doing so we comply with GDPR guidelines.

All subscribers have the following rights over their data:

– Right to Access: can request a copy of the personal data we hold about you.

– Right to Rectification: can request the correction of any inaccurate or incomplete data.

– Right to Erasure: can request the deletion of your personal data, subject to certain conditions.

– Right to Restrict Processing: can request the limitation of how we process your data.

– Right to Data Portability: can request to receive your data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

– Right to Object: can object to the processing of your data based on legitimate interests or direct marketing.

– Right to Withdraw Consent: can withdraw your consent at any time where we rely on it for data processing.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at [email protected] will work to ensure that data is collected, stored, processed, maintained and retained in accordance with Swiss civil data protection legislation.

Third Party Links

If website refers, via tools or links, to websites of third parties on which use can be made of particular services offered, is not responsible for the correctness, quality, completeness and legality of the content of third-party websites and does not accept any responsibility for compliance with data protection regulations of third-party organisations.

Access to third-party websites is at the users own risk and is not liable for the misuse of personal user data by third parties. has Google Analytics embedded on the website. The purpose of this web analysis service from Google Inc. is to enable user analysis of the website. The data is not passed on to third parties without the express consent of the person concerned.

Intellectual Property Rights is entitled to the copyright of all content created on the “” website. The reproduction or use of any form of content is only permissible with prior written consent.

All users of website confirm that they have read these General Terms and Conditions